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XML Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis of Research Studies Related to Factors Affecting Substance Use in Iran from 2002 to 2021
ghadir bakhshi Jeghnab *, Taha Ashayeri, Marzieh Ahmadi Milasi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Investigating the Lived Experiences of Young Substance Users in Farahzad, Tehran: A Phenomenological Study
Davood Mirzaie Moghadam *, Tahmores Shiri, rezaali mohseni
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML The Prediction of Resiliency Based on Childhood Trauma, Psychological Distress, and Emotion Regulation Difficulty in Individuals with Substance Use
ali Mohammadzadeh *, akbar rezaei, Mohammad Hassan Amini
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Effective Factors on the Tendency of Street-Working Children to Substance Retail Sales: A Case Study of Ilam and Kermanshah Provinces
mohammad mirzaei *, asghar Eftekhari, shahab Gholami
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML The Effectiveness of Cognitive Therapy Based on the Matrix Model on Post-Treatment Depression and the Risk of Relapse in Crystal-Dependent Patients
mohsen Shakeri Nasab *, Toktam Rahmati, maryam rabbani, Homeira Rabbani, Mojtaba pour Farhamand
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Comparison of Personality Traits, Mental Health, and Sensation Seeking between Adolescents with Substance-Dependent and Normal Parents
Ensieh Gorbani *, Javanshir Asadi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Comparing the Effectiveness of Psychotherapy based on Narrative Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on the Possibility of Relapse in Opioid-Dependent Patients after Detoxification
Ramtin Jahangiri, Mehdi Ghasemi Mutlaq *, Abolfazl Bakhshipour
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Predicting the Tendency to Opioid Substance Use in Adolescents based on Psychological Distress and Health in the Family
Faezeh Mohammadzadeh, Pariya Jangi *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML The Effectiveness of Positivism Group Training in Changing Attitudes towards Drugs in At-Risk Male Adolescents
parvaneh kheftan *, Mansoureh Bahrami, Mostafa Eghlima, Nazanin Karimi Nasr
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Organizational Structure Model of Narcotics Anonymous in Tehran: A Model Derived from Grounded Theory
leila zaer *, Hossein abolhasan Tanhaei, Seyed Saeed Aghaei
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Predicting High-Risk Behaviors based on Positive Youth Development and Positive Psychological Capital in Adolescents
Saereh Barahoyi, Mahmoud Najafi *, Siavash Tale’pasand
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Representation of Women's Substance Addiction in TV Series of the Islamic Republic of Iran: A Case Study of the Madaraneh Series
Ali Akbar Razmjoo *, Masoume Ghasemi, mohammadali Hormozizadeh
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Investigating the Factors Shaping the Behavior of Young People in the Tendency to Industrial Substance Use: A Case Study of Young People in the City of Ardabil
Sayyad Darvishi *, Behrouz Asadollahi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Developing a Causal Model of Adolescents' Vulnerability to Addiction Based on Sensory Processing Sensitivity and Brain Behavioral Systems with the Mediation of Emotional Suppression
Safura Keyvanlo, Seifollah Aghajani *, Gholam Reza Sheykhzadeh
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Organizational Pathology of Addiction Treatment Centers in Responding to the Demands of the External Environment: A Reflection on the Views of the Stakeholders
Shirkoh Mohammadi *, Sara Nemati
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
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