Volume 11, Issue 43 (12-2017)                   etiadpajohi 2017, 11(43): 89-104 | Back to browse issues page

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Heidari A, Mohamadi R, Bahmani M. The Effect of Motivational Interviewing on Reducing Craving and Relapse in Substance Abusers under Methadone Treatment . etiadpajohi 2017; 11 (43) :89-104
URL: http://etiadpajohi.ir/article-1-836-en.html
Shahid Chamran University
Abstract:   (6730 Views)
Objective: Despite all the efforts made to stop addiction, the high rate of drug use relapse is alarming. The current research aims to investigate the effect of motivational interviewing on reducing craving and relapse in patients under methadone treatment. Method: A quasi-experimental research design along with pre-test and post-test was employed for the conduct of this study. From among the number of 60 patients in the methadone treatment center, the number of 30 patients was recognized eligible as the participants of this study. Then, the participants were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. Both groups completed Craving and Relapse Questionnaires (a six-month follow-up) before and after the intervention. Results: The results showed that the research hypotheses on the effectiveness of motivational interviewing in the reduction of craving and relapse were conformed and there was a significant difference between the experimental group, receiving motivational interviewing and pharmacotherapy, and the control group, only receiving pharmacotherapy. Conclusion: These findings help experts use psychological therapies along with pharmacotherapy in the field of addiction.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/07/17 | Accepted: 2017/11/28 | Published: 2017/12/30

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