Volume 17, Issue 67 (5-2023)                   etiadpajohi 2023, 17(67): 245-270 | Back to browse issues page

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ghafari D, sadrarhami N. Investigating Drug Dependence Treatment Platforms among Women: A Qualitative Study. etiadpajohi 2023; 17 (67) :245-270
URL: http://etiadpajohi.ir/article-1-2809-en.html
Ph.D. in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
Abstract:   (1796 Views)
Objective: The present research aimed to explore the semantic system of drug-using women regarding the obstacles to drug dependence treatment and short-lived treatment. Method: The method of this research was qualitative of grounded theory type. The statistical population of the current research included drug-using women in the city of Kermanshah, 15 of whom were recruited using the purposive sampling method. An in-depth and semi-structured interview was used to collect the data. Simultaneously with the data collection, coding and analyzing were performed in three stages of open, axial, and selective coding. Results: Three main categories, including lack of formal support, lack of a treatment service development platform, and fear of difficult life events were obtained, and main categories constituted of 16 sub-categories, including lack of child care plan, normalization of pregnancy services, limited mobility, inflexibility of treatment plans, limited capacity of the centers, intolerance of interruptions, interactional separation, lack of education, lack of decision-making power, limited awareness of gender differences, generalization of men's addiction to women, fear of losing custody of children, shame and stigma, fear of loneliness, fear of relapse, and indetermination. Conclusion: Based on the results, the current conditions of treatment are not suitable for women. Therefore, changing people's attitude toward the illness of drug-using women and their reformability, paying attention to women as an efficient element when formulating a comprehensive treatment plan, trying to create a favorable family environment for the drug user after treatment, trying to increase the level of awareness about women's treatment, establishing public treatment centers for drug-dependent individuals, and trying to legitimize the treatment of drug-using women should be taken into consideration.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/10/18 | Accepted: 2023/05/22 | Published: 2023/06/9

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