Volume 18, Issue 71 (5-2024)                   etiadpajohi 2024, 18(71): 193-212 | Back to browse issues page

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Eftekhari A, Afshar A, Karimi Saleh R. Utilizing the Capacity of Tribes and Clans in Sistan and Baluchistan to Combat Substance Trafficking. etiadpajohi 2024; 18 (71) :193-212
URL: http://etiadpajohi.ir/article-1-3059-en.html
Assistant Professor, Anti-Narcotics Department, Faculty of Information and Awareness Sciences and Techniques, Amin University of Law Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (54 Views)
Objective: The current research aimed to identify methods of utilizing clans and tribes in combating substance trafficking. Method: The present research employed a qualitative approach based on the phenomenological method. The research community consulted experts from Sistan and Baluchistan province in 2023. Through purposeful sampling and employing the data saturation technique, 15 individuals were selected. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured in-depth interviews, and data analysis was performed using the directed thematic analysis method in MaxQDA software. Results: The study revealed 8 organizing themes, consisting of 32 basic themes that proved to be effective as informational and operational methods. Additionally, two inclusive themes emerged regarding the utilization of clans and tribes in combating substance trafficking. The organizing themes of this research on tribes and clans included attracting information agents, utilizing information, motivating, informing, equipping with new tools, promoting border knowledge, operational training, operational use, infiltrating them among gangs and networks, and creating operational teams. Conclusion: Recruiting from tribes and clans, motivating and raising awareness, providing them with new tools, enhancing their knowledge of borders as information methods and operational training, infiltrating tribes and clans among gangs and networks, and establishing operational teams from within the target community are effective methods for combating substance trafficking.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/02/4 | Accepted: 2024/06/20 | Published: 2024/07/5

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