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Showing 6 results for Psychological Hardiness

Rahim Molazadeh, E, Mousa Kafy, Eraj Salehy,
Volume 5, Issue 17 (5-2011)

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare the hardiness and coping styles with stress in addicted and normal people in the city of Rasht. Method: The method of this study was causal comparative research. In sampling one hundred addicts were selected by multistage cluster sampling and one hundred normal ones selected by available sampling, then the Kobasa personal views survey and Moos and Billings coping styles questionnaires were administered among both groups. The Pearson correlation coefficients, independent samples t-test and regression analysis were used for data analysis. Results: The results showed that there were significant differences between the mean scores of hardiness and emotion focused coping style in addicted and normal people, but there was no significant difference on problem focused coping style. Regression analysis also showed that hardiness can be a significant predictor for emotion focused coping style. Conclusion: The findings of this research show the important role of some of the personality characteristics such as hardiness and coping styles with stress that may correlate with the tendency to addiction and substance abuse in people.
F Jalilean Kaseb, A.r. Rashidi, M Hojat Khah,
Volume 10, Issue 40 (3-2017)

Objective: This study aimed to investigate the role of psychological hardiness mediator in the relationship between religious orientation, self-concept and self-efficacy in predicting the tendency to have addiction Method: This study was a descriptive - correlational. The study sample was male students of Razi University undergraduate years 2014-2015. 358 undergraduates were selected by multistage cluster sampling. The data of Alport religious orientation, Scherrer self-efficacy , Beck self-concept and Ahvaz Hardiness Inventor and Addiction Potential(APS) were collected. In order to evaluate the model of structural equation modeling using SPSS-19 and AMOS-18  software was use. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between , self-efficacy, self-concept and inter-religious orientation through psychological hardiness with addiction tend to have a significant negative relationship. Conclusion:. Can be used with regard to the the influence of research variables With  addiction tendencie The programs in the field of the prevention and treatment addiction.

Mansor Azarbw, Sayed Mohsen Hojatkhah, Mohsen Golmohammadian,
Volume 13, Issue 54 (1-2020)

Purpose: The present study has been done to investigate the Effectiveness of Positive Skills Training on psychological Hardiness Male Substance Dependent during treatment With Methadone. Method: Research type was semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test design with control group. Population of this study was all in Male Substance Dependent during treatment With Methadone that to addiction treatment clinics in Kermanshah academic year 2019. 30 men were selected through available sampling method and assigned in 2 groups (experimental and control) randomly. The experimental group received 8 training sessions for positive thinking skills. The research instrument include Ahwaz psychological hardiness questionnaire Kayamrathi, Najjarian and Sohrabi-zadeh Honarmand (1998). The gathered data were analyzed through ANCOVA. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the two groups in terms of psychological Hardiness. Conclusion: Based on the results it can be said that the Positive Skills Training on psychological Hardiness Male Substance Dependent during treatment With Methadone is effective.

Kobra Kazemian Moghadam,
Volume 14, Issue 58 (1-2021)

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of group logo therapy on psychological hardiness and well-being in women with substance-dependent spouses. Method: The present research was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design with a control group. The statistical population of this study included all women with substance-dependent spouses referred to the addiction treatment clinics in Behbahan in 2019. Among them, 40 individuals were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly assigned into two experimental (n=20) and control groups (n=20). The experimental group received 10 sessions of logo therapy training, while the control group did not receive any intervention. Both groups were evaluated using the psychological well-being scale and the psychological hardiness questionnaire in both pretest and posttest. The data were analyzed using multivariate and univariate analyses of covariance. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the posttest scores of the two groups. Thus, group logo therapy could increase psychological well-being and hardiness in women with substance-dependent spouses in the experimental group. Conclusion: According to the results, addiction specialists can use logo therapy to increase psychological hardiness and well-being in women with substance-dependent spouses.

Shahin Ebrahimzade, Faeze Sohrabi,
Volume 15, Issue 61 (11-2021)

Objective: The present study aimed to determine the role of intolerance of ambiguity and psychological hardiness in predicting addiction tendency in students of Islamic Azad University, Bukan Branch. Method: The method of this study was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of this study included all male and female students of Islamic Azad University, Bukan Branch in the academic year 2017-2018 and 306 people were selected by convenience sampling method. Data were collected using the addiction acceptance scale, the intolerance of uncertainty test, and the psychological hardiness questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficient and multivariate regression analysis. Results: The findings indicated that there was a significant negative relationship between psychological hardiness and addiction tendency and that 18% of the variance of addiction tendency was explained by control, commitment, and challenge. Also, there was a significant positive relationship between the variables of intolerance of ambiguity and addiction tendency, and 17% of the variance of addiction tendency was predicted by inability to perform action, stressfulness of uncertainty, negativity of unexpected events and avoiding them. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that some personality traits such as tolerance of ambiguity and psychological hardiness have an important role in the tendency to substance abuse.

Hossein Jenaabadi, Parvaneh Javadifar,
Volume 15, Issue 62 (1-2022)

Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between social support and psychological hardiness with resilience in women with substance-dependent spouses under medical treatment centers in Zahedan. Method: The research method was descriptive-correlation type. Sample of the study included 200 women with drug-addicted spouses who were selected by convenience sampling method and the social support questionnaire of Wax and colleagues (1986), the psychological hardiness questionnaire of Ahvaz and colleague (1998) and the Connor and Davidson resilience questionnaire (2003). Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between social support and psychological hardiness with the resilience of women with drug-addicted spouses. Also, the results of regression analysis revealed that approximately 58% of the resilience variance of spouses of women with drug-addicted spouses is predictable based on social support and psychological hardiness. Conclusion: Given that social support and psychological hardiness are directly related to the resilience of women with drug-addicted spouses and can predict resilience, to increase the resilience of addicted families, the social support program of these families can be prioritized and training class used to increase their psychological hardiness.

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