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Showing 11 results for Parenting Style

Mahin Soheili, Gholamreza Dehshiri, Seiyedeh Fatemeh Mousavi,
Volume 9, Issue 33 (6-2015)

Objective: This study was an attempt to predict potential for drug abuse on the basis of three predictors of parenting style, stress and type D personality. Method: In this descriptive-correlational study, 200 students (100 males and 100 females) of Islamic Azad University of Karaj were selected by convenience sampling. For data collection, perceived parenting styles questionnaire, perceived stress scale, type D personality scale, and addiction potential scale were used. Results: The results showed that rejecting/neglecting parenting style and emotional warmth were positively and negatively correlated with addiction potential, respectively. Conclusion: The child-parent relationship and also the relationship between stress and type D personality can be considered as predictive factors in addiction potential.

Reza Ilbeigy Ghale Nei, Maryam Rostami,
Volume 10, Issue 37 (6-2016)

Objective: This study aimed to investigate the role of parenting styles, perfectionism, and quality of friendship in predicting the drug craving in addicted people. Method: This study was a descriptive research with a correlation research design. All the addicted individuals referring to therapeutic centers at Ardebil city in 2013 constituted the statistical population of the study. From among this population, the number of 100 addicts was selected via convenience sampling method. Short Form of Drug Craving Questionnaire, Baumrind's Parenting Styles Questionnaire, Terry-Short's Perfectionism Questionnaire, and Friendship Quality Questionnaire were used for data collection purposes. Results: The results showed that arbitrary parenting style (r = .188), negative perfectionism (r = .130), authoritative parenting (r = -.176) and confidence (r = -.90) were negatively correlated with drug craving in addicts.  (P < .05). In addition, the results showed that 17% of drug craving variance was accounted for by parenting styles, perfectionism, and quality of friendship. Conclusion: It can be concluded that parenting styles, perfectionism, and quality of friendship play a major role in predicting drug craving in addicted people.


Ar Rashidi, Z Mohseni, M Golmohammadian,
Volume 11, Issue 41 (6-2017)

Objective: The current study was an attempt to examine the role of family emotional atmosphere, perception of parenting styles, family communication patterns, and perceived social support in predicting the abuse of industrial psychoactive substances in students. Method: The statistical population of this study included all male students in Bachelor and Master's programs in Razi university of Kermanshah in the academic year of 2014-15. The number of 400 students was selected by cluster sampling. The data collection instruments consisted of Family Emotional Atmosphere Questionnaire, Perception of Parenting Styles Scale, and Family communication Patterns and Social Support Perception. discriminant analysis in simultaneous and stepwise modes was used for data analysis. Results: The results of data analysis showed that the liner combination of family emotional atmosphere, perception of parenting styles, family communication patterns and perceived social was a good predictor of the abuse of industrial psychoactive substances in students. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest the importance of family emotional atmosphere, perception of parenting styles, family communication patterns and social support perception in substance abuse.

R Khanbabaie, Z Morovati, M Heidari,
Volume 11, Issue 41 (6-2017)

Objective: The present study was an attempt to evaluate the conceptual model of the important antecedents and aftermath of addiction in the patients presenting to treatment centers in Zanjan. Method: In this study, 250 addicted men constituted the participants who  were selected by random sampling from the addicts presenting to treatment centers in Zanjan. The instruments used in this study were Baumrind's Parenting Style Inventory, Phillips et al.'s Social Support Appraisals (SS-A) Scale, NEO Personality Inventory, Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking Scales, World Health Organisation Quality of Life (WHOQOL) Assessment Instrument, Ryff's Psychological Well-being, and the Researcher-Constructed Substance Use Assessment Scale.The proposed model of the relationships between variables was tested using structural equation modeling. Results: The proposed model was assessed using structural equation modeling. Bootstrap Test (AMOS) was used to determine the relationship between the variables. Based on the results of this study, the proposed model had an acceptable fitness. The results also showed that the antecedents (parenting styles, social support, and personality traits) have a significant impact on young adults' addiction; moreover, addiction was found to have an effect on quality of life and psychological well-being among young adults. Based on the results of structural equation modeling, the research hypotheses were confirmed. Conclusion: According to the research findings, significant attention should be assigned to the development of educational and health programs as well as appropriate parenting styles in order to modify and enhance personality traits. In addition, happiness training in life can be an effective step in preventing and controlling addiction.

F Davoodi, M Mehrabizadeh Honarmand, E Hashemi,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (9-2017)

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the causal relationship of parenting styles and insecure attachment style with addiction potential under the mediating role of personality traits and identity styles in students of Shahid Chamran University. Method: This was a correlational study where 178 participants were selected by multistage random sampling method. Iranian addiction potential scale, Parenting Styles Scale, Insecure Attachment Style Scale (ambivalent/anxiety and avoidance), NEO Personality Inventory (neuroticism and openness to experience), and Identity Style Scale (diffusion and premature identity) constituted the data collection tools in this study. Results: The proposed model was tested using path analysis. To test the indirect correlates, Bootstrap test was used. The results indicated that the proposed model was well fitted with the data. Specifically, the results showed that permissive and authoritarian parenting styles and insecure attachment style had a significant direct effect and an indirect effect through neuroticism, openness, diffusion identity, and premature identity on addiction potential. Conclusion: It was concluded that both proximal factors (personality traits) and distal factors (identity and parenting styles) should be considered for the control and treatment of addiction.

I Ebrahimy, A Zeinali,
Volume 12, Issue 45 (6-2018)

Objective: The present study aimed at investigating the causal relationship between parenting styles, attachment styles, and self-regulation among drug dependent individuals in Urmia city. Method: In this correlational/ descriptive research, the number of 449 addicts was chosen through multi-stage cluster sampling method from among the addicts who had referred to addiction treatment clinics in Urmia city. They then filled out the questionnaires, namely Parenting Styles Questionnaire (Zeinali, Sharifi, Enayati, Asgari, & Pasha, 2012), Self-Regulation Questionnaire (Carey, Neil, & Collins, 2004), and Attachment Styles Questionnaire (Van Oudenhoven, Hofstra, & Bakker, 2003). The collected data were analyzed by presenting two models through path analysis in AMOS software. Results: The results of this study showed that authoritarian and neglectful parenting styles have a significant negative effect on self-regulation; and authoritative and permissive parenting styles have a significant positive effect on self-regulation in fathers and mothers' model (P <0.001). In both models, authoritative and permissive styles had a significant positive effect on secure attachment style (P <0.001). The effect of authoritarian and neglectful styles on the secure attachment style was not significant in fathers' model, but it had a significant negative effect on the mothers' model (P <0.05).
The effect of permissive style on secure attachment style was negative in both models; the effect of neglectful style on insecure attachment style was positive in both models; the effect of authoritarian style was non-significant in both models. In addition, the effect of authoritative style on insecure attachment was negative in fathers' model while it was non-significant in mothers' model. The effect of insecure attachment on self-regulation was negative in both models (P <0.001) and the effect of secure attachment on self-regulation was non-significant in both models. Conclusion: Insecure attachment was revealed to be a significant mediator between parenting styles and self-regulation among addicts. Authoritative and permissive parenting styles increase self-regulation in them through the reduction of insecure attachment; and authoritarian parenting style decrease self-regulation in addicts through the increase of insecure attachment.

Ladan Soltani, Ali Zeinali,
Volume 13, Issue 54 (1-2020)

Aim: Present research aimed to determine the role of parenting styles, addiction potential of parents and child's temperament in predicting the addiction potential of adolescent students. Method: This study was descriptive from correlation type. Research population was adolescent students of Khoy city in 2018-19 academic years with number of 2472 person. Based on Krejcie and Morgan number of 350 students were selected through random cluster sampling method as a sample. Tools research was the questionnaires of parenting styles, addiction potential of parents, revised temperament and addiction potential of adolescent, that were completed in Ordibehesht of 2019 year by students and their parents. Data in SPSS-23 software with methods of Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple regression with enter model. Results: The findings showed that authoritative parenting style of father and mother and score of child's temperament have a negative and significant relationship with addiction potential of adolescent students in general and in girls and boys and authoritarian and uninvolved parenting styles of father and mother and addiction potential of father and mother have a positive and significant relationship with addiction potential of adolescent students in general and in girls and boys, but permissive parenting style of father and mother haven’t significant relationship with addiction potential of adolescent students in general and in girls and boys. Also, parenting styles, addiction potential of parents and child's temperament together significantly could 38/6 percent of variance the addiction potential of adolescent students, 40/5 percent of variance the addiction potential of girl students and 46/6 percent of variance the addiction potential of boy students. Conclusion: The results were indicating the role of parenting styles, addiction potential of parents and child's temperament in predicting the addiction potential of adolescent students. Therefore, it is necessary that experts and planners based on role and share of mentioned variables design and implement programs to reduce the addiction potential of adolescent students.
Khadije Alavi, Shima Ramezani,
Volume 14, Issue 58 (1-2021)

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the role of perceived parenting styles and self-compassion in predicting addiction readiness in the youth. Method: This study was correlational-descriptive. The statistical population included all students of University of Bojnord in 2018-2019. The sample size consisted of 340 individuals who were selected by cluster sampling method and answered to the addiction potential scale, the parental authority questionnaire, and the self-compassion scale. Data were analyzed using hierarchical multiple regression. Results: The results showed that authoritative parenting style and self-compassion negatively and significantly, and the authoritarian and permissive parenting styles positively and significantly predicted addiction readiness. Among the six dimensions of self-compassion, two dimensions of self-kindness and self-judgment negatively and significantly predicted addiction readiness. Among parenting styles, authoritative style was the strongest predictor. Also, self-compassion independently of parenting styles predicted addiction readiness. Conclusion: The results showed that parenting styles and self-compassion are important predictors of addiction readiness in the youth, and these two components should be considered in addiction-related prevention and treatment programs. Explanations and implications related to the research findings were discussed.

Ali Ghodrati, Mohammad Mohammadipour, Abdollah Mafakheri,
Volume 15, Issue 60 (8-2021)

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between parenting styles and tendency for drug use by considering the mediating role of impulsivity. Method: The research method was descriptive-correlational of structural equation type. The statistical population of the study included the students of Hakim Sabzevari University in 2018-2019 (n=7248). To select the sample, stratified random sampling method was used and 376 students (216 girls and 160 boys) were selected. The research instruments included the impulsivity questionnaire, the addiction potential scale, and the parenting styles scale. Structural equation method was used to analyze the data. Results: The fit indices of the research model were in good condition. Parenting styles had a significant direct effect on tendency for drug use in students. Impulsivity also significantly mediated the relationship between parenting styles and tendency for drug use. Conclusion: The findings of the study indicated a good fit of the conceptual model of the research. It is suggested that impulsivity and parenting styles be considered as a major axis in the diagnosis of various clinical disorders such as tendency for drug use.

Mohammad Narimani, Maryam Parnian Khooy,
Volume 15, Issue 61 (11-2021)

Objective: The present study was performed aiming to investigate the relationships of ego-strength and parenting styles to vulnerability to addiction with the mediating role of emotional repression in adolescents. Method: The present research was a correlational study. The statistical population of the study included all male high school students in the city of Osko who were studying in the academic year 2019-2020 (n=1100). Among them, a total of 200 male students and their mothers were selected using multi-stage cluster sampling method. Participants answered to the identifying people in risk of addiction questionnaire, the psychosocial inventory of ego-strength, the parenting styles questionnaire, and the adjustment inventory. Data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation and structural equation modeling. Results: The proposed model had a good fit. Ego-strength and parenting styles had significant direct effects on vulnerability to addiction. Emotional repression also played a significant mediating role in the relationships of parenting styles and ego-strength to vulnerability to addiction. Conclusion: Dimensions of ego-strength and authoritative parenting style are able to explain the decreased adolescent addiction by reducing emotional repression. This can be useful as a suitable model for designing addiction prevention programs among adolescents and young people.

Ali Ghodrati, Mohammad Mohammadipour, Abdollah Mafakhery,
Volume 16, Issue 63 (5-2022)

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between parenting styles and self-efficacy with drug use tendencies and considering the mediating role of impulsivity. Method: The research method was descriptive-correlation of structural equations. The statistical population of the study consisted of students of Hakim Sabzevari University in the first semester of 2018-2019 (7248 people). To select the sample, stratified random sampling method was used and 376 people (216 girls and 160 boys) were selected. The research tools included impulsivity questionnaire, addiction scale, self-efficacy questionnaire and parenting practices scale. Structural equation method was used to analyze the data. Results: Fit indicators of the research model were in good condition. Self-efficacy and parenting styles have a significant effect on drug addiction in students. Impulsivity was also able to mediate between the variables of parenting styles and drug addiction and between self-efficacy and drug addiction. Conclusion: The research findings indicated a good fit of the conceptual model of the research. It is suggested to pay attention to the variables of impulsivity, self-efficacy and parenting styles in identifying and analyzing clinical disorders, including substance dependence parenting styles in identifying and analyzing clinical disorders such as drug dependence.

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