Objectives: Risk behaviors are the potentially harmful behaviors that can have adverse and irremediable consequences for individuals. This study also aims to construct and validate a high-risk behaviors scale. Method: A survey research method was used for the conduct of this study. The 15-34-year-old youths of Tabriz constituted the statistical population of this study. The results of this study indicated that the construct validity of risk behaviors has been confirmed in 98 items and 12 factors, including violence and aggression, dangerous driving, arbitrary use of drugs, suicide, online diversions, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, addiction to virtual networks, cigarette & tobacco smoking, alcohol drinking & drug use, unsafe sex, and gambling. The average variance extracted for all the dimensions was higher than 0.4, which demonstrates the appropriate internal validity of the measurement model. In addition, the reliability values of all the dimensions were obtained higher than 0.6, which is acceptable. Conclusion: The positive values of the shared index of all dimensions represents the quality and overall fit of the reflective measurement model of risky behaviors.