Showing 16 results for Substance Use Disorder
Mohammad Narimani, Soran Rajabi,
Volume 6, Issue 21 (5-2012)
Introduction: The aim of this study is the investigation of EEG biofeedback (neurofeedback) on the reduction of depression, anxiety, stress and craving beliefs of individuals with substance abuse disorder. Method: Thirty-four males diagnosed as having substance abuse disorder (morphine addicted) were randomly assigned to experimental (N=16) and control (N=18) groups. The study used the pretest–posttest experimental and control group design. Subjects were assessed prior and subsequent to the training process on two tests of Craving Beliefs Questionnaire and Depression Anxiety Stress Scales. In this research, the analysis of variance with repeated measures was used. Findings: The results revealed that after twenty sessions of neurofeedback, a significant and clear improvement in anxiety, depression, and craving beliefs was observed, but, no significant deference between groups in stress observed. Conclusion: This study suggests that individuals with substance abuse disorder can learn to improve their anxiety, depression, and craving beliefs.
Ghasem Salehpoor, Sajjad Rezaei,
Volume 9, Issue 36 (3-2016)
Objective: This study aimed to examine the effect of drug use on the length of hospitalization, impaired consciousness, levels of motor and cognitive independence in patients with traumatic brain injury. Method: A total of 185 patients with traumatic brain injury in the emergency, neurosurgery ward and ICU of Poursina Hospital was selected via purposive sampling. These participants who were within the age group 37.46 ± 17.42 years were divided into two groups, i.e. drug users (n = 35) and non-users (n = 150). Then, Demographic and Hospital Inventory and Functional Independence Measure were used for data collection purposes. Results: The results showed that the two groups of patients with or without drug use were significantly different from each other in terms of length of hospitalization in neurosurgery ward, total duration of hospital stay, and rates of cognitive independence (P < .05). however, no significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of motor independence and length of hospitalization in ICU (P > .05). The results also showed that drug using patients experience higher states of impaired consciousness compared to the other group (P < .01). Conclusion: This study indicated the effect of drug use on the increased length of hospitalization, the intensification of impaired consciousness, and disturbance of cognitive independence in traumatic brain injury patients. The clinical implications of this study are discussed.
Farshad Ahmadi, Jafar Hasani, Alireza Moradi, Saber Saeidpoor,
Volume 10, Issue 40 (3-2017)
Introduction: One of the most important problems in global health in recent years, the high prevalence of substance use disorders and addiction. Psychological factors in vulnerability, aggravation, relapse and craving these disorders have a significant role. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic role of delayed reward discounting and sensation seeking in substance use stimulant and opiate disorders.
method: this study was a causal-comparative research design. The target population included all patients with stimulant, opiate disorders that referred to medical centers, 90 persons (stimulant: 45, opiate: 45), were selected by purposive sampling method, completed the Monetary-Choice Questionnaire, Sensation Seeking Scale Form V. Data were analyzed with the diagnostic analysis.
Findings: diagnostic Analysis with delayed reward discounting and sensation seeking variables showed that 86/66 percent of stimulants and 84/44 percent of opiates classified correctly.
Discussion & conclusion: delayed reward discounting and sensation seeking<span dir="RTL" style="font-family: " b="" zar";="" font-size:="" 13pt;="" mso-bidi-language:="" fa;="" mso-ascii-font-family:="" "times="" new="" roman";="" mso-hansi-font-family:="" roman";"=""> rolled in differentiation and diagnosis of stimulant and opiate groups significantly. Therefore, it’s recommended that in prevention and treatment programs associated with these two disorders will be pay special attention to these factors.
Nastaran Otared, Babak Vojoudi, Mohammad Bagher Raoufi,
Volume 11, Issue 44 (3-2018)
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the temperament and character of patients suffering from major depression with and without Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and normal people. Method: This research was a causal-comparative study. The statistical population of the study consisted of patients with major depressive disorder who referred to Tabriz medical centers in the second and third quarters of 2017. Thirty patients suffering from major depressive disorder with substance use disorder and 30 patients without substance use disorder were selected by purposive sampling method and 30 normal subjects were selected by convenience sampling method. The temperament and character inventory (TCI) and Beck depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) were employed in the process of data collection. Results: The findings of this study revealed that depressed patients showed significantly higher novelty seeking and harm avoidance, and lower perseverance, self-direction, and cooperation than normal people. Moreover, depressed patients with substance use disorder reported a high degree of novelty seeking and a lower level of perseverance, self-direction, and cooperation in comparison to depressed patients without comorbidity. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that the dimensions of temperament and character have a significant role in the development of mental disorders. Identifying these dimensions in high risk groups can be effective in developing preventive and therapeutic interventions for depression and substance use disorders.
Farshad Ahmadi, Seyed Ali Kazemi Rezaei, Kamal Parhoon,
Volume 14, Issue 56 (8-2020)
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of delayed discounting model of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on delayed reward discounting, impulsivity, and sensation seeking in individuals with substance use disorders. Method: This study was a semi-experimental research conducted in the form of pretest-posttest and follow-up stage with control group. The statistical population included patients with substance use in Sanandaj clinics in 2018-2019. Among them, 40 patients with substance use were selected through convenience sampling method and were randomly placed into the experimental and control groups (20 individuals in the experimental and 20 individuals in the control group). In this study, the monetary-choice questionnaire (Karbay et al., 1999), the Barratt impulsivity scale (Barratt et al., 1997), and the Zuckerman sensation seeking scale (Zuckerman, 1978) were used. After administering pretest, the experimental group received mindfulness-based cognitive therapy during eight ninety-minute sessions in eight weeks, while the control group received no intervention. At the end of the treatment sessions, post-test was performed in both groups. After 45 days, the follow-up test was also administered. Data were analyzed via mixed analysis of variances. Results: The results showed that the intervention of delayed discounting model of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy reduced delayed reward discounting, impulsivity, and sensation seeking in individuals with substance use disorders and the effects of this intervention was lasting over time. Conclusion: The results of the current study showed that delayed discounting model of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is an effective strategy to improve the symptoms of delayed reward discounting, impulsivity, and sensation seeking in patients with substance use disorders and can be used as an effective therapeutic approach.
Zabihollah Abbaspour, Zahra Ghanbari,
Volume 14, Issue 57 (11-2020)
Objective: Substance abuse and addiction are serious problems in today's world, and high tendency to use substances in adolescents has attracted the attention of researchers and therapists. The aim of present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of family-based treatment on attitude towards substance use in female students with substance use disorder. Method: In this study, a multiple-baseline single-case experimental design was used. Accordingly, four families and their adolescent girls who engaged in substance abuse disorder were selected by purposive sampling. Family-based treatment was performed in three phases of baseline, intervention and follow-up, and adolescents responded to the opium attitude questionnaire. The data were analyzed using visual charting, reliable change index (RCI), and recovery percentage formula. Results: The results showed that family-based treatment led to a significant decrease in positive attitude towards substance use (30/93% recovery). Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that the family-based treatment can be effective in changing dysfunctional cycle of family system and decreasing positive attitude towards substance use in adolescents, and therapists can use this intervention to improve substance use disorder.
Hossein Mohagheghi, Parviz Kharghani,
Volume 15, Issue 60 (8-2021)
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of schema therapy on depression, anxiety, and early maladaptive schemas in individuals with substance use disorder. Method: This quasi-experimental study was performed as a single-subject design with ABA multiple baseline method on six subjects who had substance use disorder. The statistical population included all individuals with substance use disorder referred to medical centers in Razan, Hamadan, in 2019. The instruments included the Beck depression inventory, the Beck anxiety inventory, and the early maladaptive schemas questionnaire. The scheme therapy was performed in 15 sessions in groups and individually and one session weekly. Subjects were tested in four stages. Data analysis was performed using repeated measures analysis of variance. Results: The results showed the effect of schema therapy on improving early maladaptive schemas after 4 months, but there was no statistically significant difference in the reduction of depression and anxiety symptoms. However, in the ABA chart, the amount of changes in the scores of depression, anxiety, and second domain of maladaptive schemas was noticeable. Conclusion: Therefore, schema-focused therapeutic interventions can change and modify the schemas and reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety in individuals with substance use disorder. Accordingly, It is recommended that schema therapy techniques be used individually for individuals with substance use disorder who have depression, anxiety, and maladaptive schemas.
Mina Taherifard, Sajjad Basharpoor, Nader Hajloo, Mohammad Narimani,
Volume 15, Issue 60 (8-2021)
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the pattern of structural relationships of relapse in individuals with substance use disorder based on attentional bias and reward sensitivity with the mediating role of inhibition control. Method: The present study was descriptive-correlation of structural equation modeling type. The statistical population of this study included all withdrawing substance-dependent individuals (methamphetamine) referred to addiction treatment centers in Ardabil in 2019. 172 individuals with methamphetamine use were selected by convenience sampling method using the Slovin formula. Participants answered the questionnaires of recurrence prediction and reward sensitivity, as well as the dot-probe and go/no-go tests. Pearson's correlation, structural equation modeling and bootstrapping were the methods used to analyze the data. Results: Results showed that there were significant positive or negative correlations between the research variables. The results confirmed the fit of the hypothesized research model. The results showed that attentional bias and reward sensitivity had significant direct effects on relapse and also indirect effects through inhibition control. Conclusion: According to the results, it can be said that by adjusting for attentional bias and reward sensitivity, inhibition control reduces relapse in substance users. Therefore, it is recommended that addiction specialists use the results of the present study in their treatment programs.
Maryam Sabouri, Ahmad Mansouri,
Volume 16, Issue 65 (11-2022)
Objective: The present research aimed to investigate the moderating roles of resilience and mindfulness in the relationship between stressful events and psychological distress in women with substance use disorder. Method: The present study was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the research included all women with substance use disorder covered by the Welfare Organization of Mashhad in 2020. Among them, 253 people were selected by convenience sampling method. The tools used in this research involved the Connor-Davidson resilience scale, the Kessler psychological distress scale, the stressful life events screening questionnaire, and the mindful attention awareness scale. Data were analyzed by Pearson's correlation and regression analysis. Results: The results of this study showed that the relationship between stressful events and psychological distress in women with substance use disorder was mediated by mindfulness, but not by resilience. Conclusion: The results of this research suggest that mindfulness, as a protective factor, plays an important role in reducing psychological distress in women with substance use disorder. Therefore, therapeutic or educational approaches focused on mindfulness, including mindfulness based on stress reduction, can be used to reduce the psychological distress of individuals with substance use disorder.
Saeed Ayati, Rahmatollah Amir Ahmadi, Alireza Ismaeili,
Volume 16, Issue 65 (11-2022)
Objective: The current research aimed to discover and investigate the factors affecting substance use disorder based on lived experience among the youth people of the city of Bojnourd to achieve an explanatory model. Method: The method of this research was qualitative and of grounded theory type. The statistical population of the current research included the individuals present in residential and treatment centers of the city of Bojnourd, and 33 people (men=20 and women=13) of them were selected by non-probability (purposive) sampling method. The data collection tool was an in-depth and semi-structured interview. Results: The results showed that the factors affecting substance use disorder were identified in 5 main categories, including individual, family, social, cultural, and economic factors. Individual factors included 7 sub-categories of hedonism, curiosity, the illusion of increasing power, lack of awareness of the effects of the substance, freedom from physical and mental pains, achieving fleeting peace and escaping from problems, and lack of life skills. Family factors had 5 sub-categories of unhealthy family, collapse and divorce, family problems and tensions, lack of supervision in the family, low social capital in the family, and emotional difference. Social factors consisted of 4 sub-categories of the unsuitable circle of friends, place of living, reduction of social interactions, interaction with substance-dependent individuals, and negative social capital. Cultural factors included 3 sub-categories of normality of consumption, low cultural capital and lack of free time, and low religiosity. Finally, economic factors involved 3 sub-categories of poverty and homelessness, child labor, fatigue, and long working hours. The theoretical model was presented based on these categories. Conclusion: By identifying the factors affecting substance use disorder and prioritizing the degree of influence of these factors, it is possible to prevent the young people’s substance dependence with appropriate measures and planning.
Mahsa Kashefizadeh, Mahboobe Taher, Abbas Ali Hosseinkhanzadeh, Narges Haj Abootalebi,
Volume 16, Issue 66 (2-2023)
Objective: The present research aimed to compare the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness, and motivational interviewing on intentional self-regulation in individuals with substance use disorder under maintenance therapy. Method: This research was a semi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design with a control group. The statistical population included all men with substance use disorder under treatment in Robat Karim from March 2020 to May 2021, from which a sample of 71 people was selected using a cluster random sampling method and randomly placed into three experimental groups and one control group. The intentional self-regulation questionnaire was used to collect the data. The experimental groups underwent group therapy based on acceptance and commitment, motivational interviewing, and mindfulness for ten 50-minute sessions, but the control group did not receive any intervention. Results: The findings showed that the difference between the experimental and control groups was significant in all three approaches and mindfulness, acceptance and commitment therapy, and motivational interviewing had the greatest impact on intentional self-regulation, respectively, in individuals with substance use disorder under maintenance therapy. Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be concluded that individuals with substance use disorder can achieve more intentional self-regulation by learning techniques based on mindfulness, acceptance and commitment therapy, and motivational interviewing, but mindfulness techniques and acceptance and commitment therapy are more successful than motivational interviewing in this regard.
Fatemeh Bagheri, Firoozeh Ghazanfari, Fazlollah Mirdrikvand,
Volume 16, Issue 66 (2-2023)
Objective: The present research aimed to determine the effectiveness of interpersonal and social rhythm therapy on alexithymia and self-regulation in individuals with substance use disorder in outpatient centers. Method: The current research was semi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design with a control group. The statistical population of the research included all men with substance use disorder in the outpatient centers of the city of Khorramabad in 2021. Of them, 18 people were selected using the convenience sampling method and were randomly assigned to two experimental (n = 9) and control (n = 9) groups. Individuals in the experimental group received interpersonal and social rhythm therapy in twelve 45-minute sessions with a frequency of two sessions per week. To collect data, the Toronto alexithymia scale and the self-regulation questionnaire were used. Data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U non-parametric test. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the two groups, and interpersonal and social rhythm therapy reduced alexithymia and increased self-regulation in individuals with substance use disorder. Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy can be used to reduce emotional problems and improve self-regulation skills in individuals with substance use disorder.
Siroos Ahmadi, Hamid Reza Srami Forushani, Mohammad Norian Najafabadi,
Volume 18, Issue 72 (8-2024)
Objective: The study aimed to compare social support in substance-dependent individuals with successful and unsuccessful quit attempts. Method: The research utilized a causal-comparative method. The statistical population included individuals with both successful and unsuccessful quitting experiences who sought assistance from non-governmental organizations involved in combating narcotics in Isfahan city. The research sample comprised 444 individuals, with 222 having unsuccessful quitting experiences and 222 having successful quitting experiences, purposefully selected. The social support scale was the primary tool used in this research. Data analysis involved the use of independent t-tests, multivariate analysis of variance, and logistic regression. Results: The findings indicated a significant difference in the total social support score and its components (friends, family, and important people) between individuals with successful and unsuccessful quitting experiences. According to the logistic regression analysis, social support nearly doubles the likelihood of successful quitting. Conclusion: The study's results suggest that social support and its components of family and friends, play a crucial role in successfully overcoming substance use, and by paying more serious attention to them, we can help alleviate one of the basic social harms of the society.
Mehdi Zemestani, Sara Kakaei,
Volume 18, Issue 72 (8-2024)
Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the mediating role of experiential avoidance in the relationship between childhood maltreatment and externalizing spectrum disorders in substance users. Method: This research was a descriptive-correlational study of the structural equation modeling type. The statistical population consisted of all substance users undergoing addiction treatment centers in Sanandaj city. A sample of 333 individuals was selected using the convenience sampling method. The research tools included the child abuse self-report scale, the externalizing spectrum inventory, and the acceptance and action questionnaire-II. The structural equation model was used for data analysis with AMOS-24 software. Results: The results indicated that the model fit well. Childhood maltreatment had a direct and significant impact on externalizing spectrum disorders, with experiential avoidance playing a significant mediating role in this relationship. Conclusion: Recognizing the critical period of childhood and the enduring effects of traumatic experiences, which can lead to externalizing spectrum disorders and the use of ineffective coping mechanisms like experiential avoidance, is crucial. The findings of this study can have practical implications by educating parents about their crucial role in preventing substance use problems. Therefore, emphasizing these factors is essential for addressing substance use issues effectively.
Eskandar Momeni, Mohsen Babaei, Mahdi Pour Rahimi, Jalal Shirzad, Hossein Ardalani, Asghar Eftekhari,
Volume 18, Issue 73 (11-2024)
Objective: The primary objective of this research was to identify and rank the factors influencing the use of cannabis and other novel psychoactive substances among youth in Kermanshah. Method: The present research method was a mixed qualitative-quantitative type with an exploratory approach. The research population in the qualitative part included all experts in the field of combating drugs in Kermanshah, of whom 8 people were selected based on purposeful sampling and using the data saturation technique. The statistical population in the quantitative part included all young people referring to addiction treatment centers in Kermanshah, of whom 377 people were selected using the convenience sampling method. Data was collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews for the qualitative phase and a researcher-developed questionnaire for the quantitative phase. Qualitative data was analyzed using thematic analysis, while quantitative data was analyzed using the coefficient of variation. Results: The qualitative analysis revealed that the coded contextual factors could be categorized into three main themes: individual, psychological, and interpersonal factors, with 18 subcategories. Additionally, precipitating factors were categorized under the theme of family factors with 6 subcategories, while perpetuating factors were classified into three themes: social, cultural, and environmental factors, with 14 subcategories. The quantitative analysis using the coefficient of variation indicated that individual, psychological, family, social, cultural, interpersonal, and environmental factors, in that order, significantly influenced the use of cannabis and other novel psychoactive substances. Furthermore, among all subcategories, lack of willpower ranked first, and unstable living conditions ranked last. Conclusion: Based on the research findings, lack of willpower emerged as the most significant factor contributing to the abuse of cannabis and other novel psychoactive substances among youth. Therefore, to prevent this issue, it is imperative to provide young people with necessary education to raise awareness about the adverse effects of substance use and implement strategies to enhance self-esteem and strengthen willpower.
Manijeh Farshbaf Dadkhah, Malihe Pourali Vakili Miandoab, Nasim Baheri Eslami, Behzad Shalchi,
Volume 18, Issue 73 (11-2024)
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of social problem-solving training on loneliness, self-efficacy, and life expectancy in women with substance use disorder. Method: This was a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population of the study included all women with substance use disorder in mid-term residential centers in Tabriz in 2020. From this population, 30 individuals were selected through purposive sampling and randomly classified into two experimental (n=15) and control (n=15) groups. Participants in both groups completed the loneliness scale, self-efficacy scale, and life hope questionnaire in the pre-test and post-test phases. Social problem-solving training was conducted over eight sessions, each lasting 90 minutes, for the experimental group. Data were analyzed using univariate covariance analysis. Results: The results showed a significant difference between the two groups, and social problem-solving training led to a decrease in loneliness and an increase in self-efficacy and life expectancy among women with substance use disorder. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that therapists and prevention specialists use social problem-solving training to improve the condition of women with substance use disorders and to help prevent addiction.