Showing 760 results for Type of Study: Research
Alireza Mohseni Tabrizi,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (10-2002)
The present article in the light of theoretical considerations on correlational associations between substance use and some socio –psychiatric disorders as well as findings of population – based epidemiologic studies on comorbidity of substance use disorders with some disorders such as depressive disorders, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, trauma and PTSD, psychosis, and other psychiatric disorders (Kidorf,1996, Clark and Heyendus, 1997, Glantz and Hartel, 2002, kessler, 1995), attempts to present and discuss the results and findings of a population–based comorbidity survey of treatment seeking drug abusers in Tehran.SCL90–R Scale for depressive and a structured interview for measuring APS (Addiction Potential Scale) were administered to 153 treatment seeking drug abusers which was drawn through a disproportionately stratified sampling before main treatment stage and at intoxication time and at the end of treatment preiod .
The data utilized in the research were collected by a 8 page questionnaire composed of 13 items .
The research findings based upon statistical analysis showed a significant correlational association between depressive disorders as measured by SCL90-R Scale and substance use as measured by APS (r = 0.46/ p= 0.0012 /R2 = 0.81).
The research results also demonstrate that addictive behaviore has been under influence of such variables as the length of addiction, socio – economic status (SES), previous treatment seeking experiences and the type of drug used.
Majid Ghorbani,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (10-2002)
Any attempt in the area of substance abuse treatment without paying especial attention to client motivation has often been regarded as failure. It is now widely acknowledged that Motivation is a crucial component of behavior change, especially so in the area of addictive behavior. It is commonly believed that addicts show specific internal and enduring personality charasteristics such as lack of motivation to change, and the use of defense mechanisms such as denial, projection and rationalization wich is often believed to prevent addicts from recognizing their Problem. Miller and Rollnick (1991)by reffering to this as “ ambivalence about change “, argue that (MI) is an approach to help chlients resolve this ambivalence .
(MI) views motivation as a fluctuating state of readiness to consider changing a behavior. They define (MI) as a directive, client – contered couselling style for helping addicts explore and resolve the ambivalence about changing addictive behaviour .
Prochaska and DiClemente (1984) have offered a comprehensive cognitive – behavioural outpatient counseling approach for substance abusers. This program includes six components: 1-precontemplation, 2-contemplation, 3- preparation, 4- action, 5- maintenance, and 6-relapse.
The goals of present article are three – fold:
In the first step, it introduces a brief form of motivational Interviewing for addictive behaviors. Its primary basis is the idea that most substance abusers seek medical treatment without being ready to change addictive behaviors. As a result, attempts the addicts to change often lead to their resistance. Therefore, the use of motivational interviewing (MI) in which clients are directed towards realizing their own reasons and arguments for changing their behavior, seems to be most oppropriate to motivate and prepare them for change. In the second step, the article tries to discuss advantages of motivational interviewing approach to often opproaches (e.g, skills training approach, Indirect approach and confrontational – denial approach) and suggests that (MI) is the most appropriate strategy for the substance abusers, according to their degree of readiness for change. Finally in the third step, the article attempts to indicate the current dominant strategies of addiction treatment in Iran and concludes that due to dominance and commonality of medicine – based treatment strategies of addictive behaviors, (MI) could be introduced as an alternative and appropriate treatment strategy for drug addicts in Iran.
Esmat Fazeli,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (10-2002)
The present investingation was designed to explore the extent to which the elements of the Health Belief Model (HBM)predict substance use among male drug addicts in Iran. A self – report research instrument (questionnaire)was developed and administered to obtain data. One hundred and twenty four subjects voluntarily participated in the survey . The contributers had already attended places like Health Organization and other detoxicating centers in order to stop their risky behaviour . There were four distinct predictive components (perceived susceptibilty, perceived severity, perceived benefits and perceived barriers)in the HBM. These components were internally consistent and together examined the risky behaviour, substance use. This study revealed that the model is reliable, valid, robust and feasible for examining substance use behavioure. The theoretical components of the HBM appeared to have different predictive ability perceived benefits showed the strongest power . This is consistent with a great number of research findings in this area. In contrary , predictive ability of predictive power of preceived sevirity . declined – all research hypothses were approved except predictive power of percieved sevirity. Rationale for this decline refres to the repetition of relapse after detoxication .In fact, " believing in serverity for the consequences of a risky behaviour pales through repetition of the behavioure ".
Farshad Nemati,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (10-2002)
High rate of relapse after apparently successful treatment is a common problem facing with most approaches to treatment of drug dependency. This has led to the development of a variety of strategies for relapse prevention. Among these, Marlatt’s cognitive – behavioural model has received a good deal of attention. It is based on two major axes: Identification of warning sings and development of necessary skills for coping with risk situations. In fact, client’s perception relating to their abilities to cope with high - risk situations can lead to lapse. Relapes is a function of client’s reaction to this initial lapes.Since formal training for addiction counsellors typically includes instruction on Marlatt’s relapes taxonomy and intervention strategies have been designed based on his classification systems of high – risk stimuli, it is nececsary for addiction counsellors to become familiar with this system. This paper presents an overview of Marlatts taxonomy of high – risk situations for relapse and his approach to relapse prevention. Special attention is given to definition of relapse, stages of relaps and relapse prevention strategies.
Alireza Jazayeri,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (10-2002)
Child abuse is a terrible misfortune for millions of childeren and famillies, for communities and for society.Many specialists as social problems, notice child abuse. Psychologists, pychiatrist, social workers, consoulers, family therapists, general practitioners, lawers and other specialists try to plan strategies for solving and preventing this problem . Many research have been done in this area , especially many of them are interested to explre the relationship between child abuse and parent’s addiction.
These studies student cliam that addicted parents abuse theire children emotionally, physically and Sexually more than non – abused parents. Also, aggresion level and maltreatment in addictrd family are higher nirmal families.
Individual, familial, scial efforts have made in international, non – govermental and govermental organization to organization to prevent these problems and support abuse chilren from different types of maltrement, because this subject has an enormous effects effects in mental heath services in society.
The aim of this study is review the theorical approches of child abuse and its prevalency, ethiology, prevention, assessment and treatment. Also, we try to difine the relationship between child abuse and parents addiction and their side effects in different areas of childs life .
Mohammad Mehdi Rahmati,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (10-2002)
The aim of this article is to describe and analyse some background factors that has some effect on the formation and continuity of addictive behavior among a sample of 1500 addicted persons on the 10 provinces of Iran. The article explores the processes under which the addictive behavior occures. Based on the findings of a survey research on a sample of 1500 drug abusers, it is concluded that factors such as addiction to cigarettes, alcohol, drug type, and methods and situations of approaching and access to drugs are effective in beginning of addiction. At last , the article pays special attention to addiction among women as the drug abusers.
Hamed Bermas ,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2003)
This research looks into the relationship between depression and the approach by Tehran high school students towards drug abuse. For this purpose, by using the correlation research method, 195 students from the first, second and third grades of high school were selected through the multi-stage cluster sample-taking method and were later evaluated through the Beck depression test and the drug abuse survey (Mousavi and colleagues). After collecting the inputs and their analysis by using the Pearson correlation coefficient and the two-variable variance analysis the following conclusions were drawn:
- Depressed teenagers (regardless of their gender and grade) have a more positive approach towards drug abuse.
- There is positive correlation between the depression scores and teenagers’ approach towards drug abuse in the ordinary group.
- The spread of depression among female students of the first grade of high school and male students of the third grade of high school is higher compared to other high school grades.
Alireza Jazayeri, Zabihollah Jafarizadeh, Abbas Pourshahbaz,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2003)
The research is looking into the study and comparison between personality traits and coping strategies and their relationship with one another among opium addicts within the age of 30-36. For this purpose, a research group comprising 50 opium addicts was selected with respect to control variables. In order to compare the results, 50 other individuals were selected as a observation group and with regard to control variables both groups were matched together. The five-factor personality trait inventory (NEO-FFI) and the coping strategy inventory of Carver and Shearer were used. Moreover, in order to control the effects of depression and anxiety on personality traits, Beck’s test for anxiety and depression was used. The results indicated that without taking the effects of depression and anxiety into account, the addicts showed higher neuroticism trait but lower extraversion, agreeableness and conscientious traits. But when the effects of depression and anxiety were taken into account, the two groups showed a meaningful difference in the conscientious trait. Furthermore, addicts rarely use concentrated coping strategies and usually use non-effective strategies. Non-effective strategies had direct relationship with neuroticism and opposite relationship with conscientiousness.
Ezzatollah Kordmirza, Hossein Azad, Hossein Eskandari,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2003)
Recent research on the basis of documented and comprehensive studies have indicated that besides individuals who are dependent on a certain type of drug, one can find considerable number of other individuals who are exposed to drug addiction from the viewpoint of their personality. The article with regard to these researches and in order to look into the diagnostic value of three sub-scales of addiction acknowledgement (AAS), Addiction Potential (APS) and Mac Andrew Alcoholism Scale-Revised (MAC.R) has been designed on the basis of Minnesota Multi-phasic Personality Inventory. After conducting a joint pilot study, a form is prepared comprising 90 questions and was implemented by involving 108 addicts who voluntarily sought treatment as well as 500 students who went through random sample-taking from the four educational groups of medicine, arts, engineering and humanities at Tehran universities. The answers to the following questions were analyzed:
1- Is there a relationship between drug consumption and the result of the drug abuse scale?
2- Is there a relationship between gender and the result of drug abuse potential scale?
3- Is there a relationship between the results of educational groups as far as the addiction potential scale is concerned?
Based on the results of the research, the measured scale has the capability to separate addicts from other people in the society and determine the drug abuse cases as well as separating high-risk groups. The calculation of Cronbach coefficient alfa indicates that AAS, MAC.R and APS scales are the most powerful respectively.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2003)
Consumption of narcotic drugs has a long record in human societies. Drug addiction is considered as a social problem nowadays which has affected the economic-cultural and economic-social dimensions of the country. In examining the dimensions of drug addiction, one must pay attention to the issues of dependency on drugs, drug addicts and rehabilitation of drug addicts.
In examining the phenomenon of addiction and its analysis as a social scourge, the issue can be analyzed at different levels including the social structures, the relationship between the individual and the society and individual matters. Another theory considered in this article is the designation of the causality hierarchy.
Two research methods have been used in this article for delineating and analyzing drug addiction. The first method is the content analysis method where one looks into the effective elements that lead to addiction and also its consequences. It also takes into consideration different theories related to the rehabilitation methods. Another method of analysis that is being used is related to detailed interviews and case studies conducted on drug addicts. Another method is the statistical method which elaborates on the phenomenon of addiction in a statistical way and depicts one-dimensional or two-dimensional charts focusing on variables. The relationship between these variables are evaluated through statistical tests and eventually proposes the strategy aimed at the elimination of drug addiction.
Mohammad Barfi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2003)
This research analyzes the issue from the jurisprudential and social aspects. The social aspect focuses on the existing viewpoints regarding the grounds for addiction and also looks into the jurisprudential decrees by Shiite and Sunni jurisprudents regarding opium, hashish and tobacco. In other words, the research focuses on the impacts of jurisprudential decrees on social issues and vice-versa. The research in order to offer strong proof for subjects under discussion conducts documental studies and extracts jurisprudential, historical and scientific texts.
In all, this research promotes one’s knowledge about the chronology of drugs including opiates, hashish and tobacco, their side effects, reasons behind drug addiction and jurisprudential decrees in this regard from the viewpoint of jurisprudents. From the viewpoint of social philosophy it raises the thought that there is a dialectic relationship between the thought and the environment and necessitates the need for changes in jurisprudential thoughts. As far as is applied aspect is concerned, it offers solutions for preventing drug addiction.
Fatemeh Safari,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2003)
This article focuses on the quantitative grounds for the emergence and spread of addiction among women, its medical, social and psychological problems, impediments for the treatment of addiction among women as well as gender differences concerning drug abuse and its treatment. This article is a translation of a statistical research on addiction among women and a number of other researches.
Based on conclusions drawn from the said researches, women become inclined to addiction mostly by their husbands due to their cordial relationships. Moreover, the negative attitudes of peer groups can overshadow girls and women more than boys and men. From the viewpoint of psychological disorders, the relationship between disorders resulting from psychological pressure after an incident and addiction is stronger among girls and women compared to boys and men. Addiction among women in addition to certain ailments such as malnutrition, hypertension and cancer, can expose them to dangerous diseases such as Hepatitis and AIDS. There is more possibility for addicted women to be infected with AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases compared to men and they are more exposed to female ailments compared to other women.
As far as treatment impediments are concerned, women face a greater social stigma due to their addiction compared to men. Social approach considering addicted women as an indecent person is a major impediment for their treatment. Taking care of the child is also another obstacle for their treatment. There is less possibility for women to receive support from their families for quitting their addiction compared to men. Treatment programs also unwantedly may create obstacles for the treatment of women such as financial constraints, administrative bureaucracy, concentration of treatment programs for men and lack of sensitivity towards women’s addiction.
The psychological impediments to treatment include internalizing the notion that addiction is a moral collapse and this prevents women from following up treatment. Since living without drugs requires drastic changes in the living style and making such changes seem to be difficult therefore resistance in the face of these changes is considered as another impediment for treatment.
In all, successful treatment programs for women must respond to the special needs of girls and women.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2003)
Mansoureh Haj Hosseini,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (8-2003)
The aim of this research is to look into the impacts of Attributional theory over the rate of youths’ tendency towards addiction. In order to reach this goal, it has been assumed that learned helplessness is far more among addicted youths compared to non-addict youths. On the basis of the six dimensions of Attributional theory six subsidiary assumptions were formulated. The statistical grouping under study included all the youths from the age of 18 to 28 residing in Yazd (within the framework of two addicted and non-addict groups). The census method was used for selecting the addicted sample and the random method was applied for selecting the non-addict sample. Eventually 97 addicts and 10 non-addicts were selected. The Attributional theory questionnaire was used for collecting data. It was later analyzed using the statistical T test. It was finally indicated that addicted youths are more suffering from learned helplessness compared to non-addict youths.
Mansoor Bagheri,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (8-2003)
The research seeks to examine the role of life skills concerning attitude towards narcotic drugs and students’ self-esteem. The research design is experimental and includes pilot plans as well as pre-test and post-test control group designs. The sample groups include 60 male students (30 students in the pilot group an 30 students in the control group). The research results are as follows:
1.Offering life skills’ training to students has caused meaningful variations (P-0.001level) in students’ knowledge towards the issue of drugs.
2.Offering life skills’ training to students has caused meaningful variations (P-0.001level) in students’ attitude towards drugs
3.Offering life skills’ training to students has caused meaningful variations (P-0.001level) in students’ self-esteem
Jafar Bolhari,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (8-2003)
Drugs are consumed in all prisons throughout the world in such a way that the matter has turned into a challenging issue for the governments. The current research seeks to determine the level of the spread of drug abuse among prison inmates in the country’s prisons. To name the other objectives pursued by this research one can refer to the distinction of demographic features of the abusers, determining the type of drugs distributed, the method of consumption in prisons, existence of high-risk behaviors and its level among prison inmates as well as taking into consideration the spread of mental disorders along with drug abuse. Such a research has been carried out in the form of a qualitative and quantitative study. The collection of the required data in the qualitative study was conducted by using detailed questionnaires and through interviews in four groups comprising male and female inmates who have committed drug-related crimes or other offences, prison wards as well as prison authorities. In the quantitative study that was conducted on male inmates questionnaires related to demographic and general specifications, the assessment of the situation of drug abuse and individuals’ view towards drug abuse as well as SCL-90-R were used. The group under study includes all prison inmates, prison wards and prison authorities in Iran. The individuals under study were selected from prisons in five different provinces using the cluster sample-taking and random methods. The number of individuals in the sample reached 1436 people. In order to clarify the outcome, frequency tables, mode, mediam, mean, standard deviation as well as X & Z tests were used. The result of the research implies that the comparison of drug abuse before and after entering the prison indicates a meaningful relationship.Meanwhile no meaningful difference was observed among age groups.
Molouk Khadem Ashkezari,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (8-2003)
Addiction to drugs is one of the social problems the negative consequences of which are not merely limited to the addicted person. On the other hand, such negative consequences will also overshadow the person’s family and society and inflicts irreparable damage on them. Such consequences may in some cases lead to the perpetration of crimes such as child abuse in the family. In this way the family will no longer remain as a safe place for the child and the child will start doing misdeeds, become addicted and end up as a person who suffers from behavioral abnormalities. The setting up of separation dorms is within the framework of taking into account the problems related to these children. The current research has made an assessment of the efficiency of the said centers after the launching of their activities. The basic goal pursued by the research is to see whether the goals set for the separation plan have been materialized and to see whether those participating in the plan were admitted or discharged based on relevant sets of rules. There is full supervision over the implementation of the plan and the second part goes to surveying the level of individuals’ satisfaction over the plan. Moreover, the level of contribution by membering organizations in the implemen- tation of the plan and the rate of its success and solutions for the improvement of the plan were taken into account. The method of research applied is based on documented evidence and surveys.
The collection of data in this research was carried out through indexing, filling questionnaires, interviews as well as direct
As far as the mental health of abusers is concerned, 12.5 percent of abusers were healthy and 87.5 percent were suspicious of mental disorder. Moreover, a meaningful relationship was observed between drug abuse in prison and disorders, physical pains, obsession, depression and psychosis. Based on the results, opium was the major drug used in prisons. High-risk behaviors were also observed among prison inmates.
Mahmoud Minooee,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (8-2003)
Bearing in mind the growing trend of drug abuse in societies, the application of appropriate tools for identifying drug abusers and those who are exposed to the high risk of drug abuse is one of the basic requirements of the current Iranian society. At the moment, the only way for identifying drug addicts is the use of morphine- detecting kits that examine the person’s urine and is based on a medical model. It only indicates the existence of morphine in urine and cannot be relied upon as a certain method for detecting the person’s addiction. Within this framework, it seems necessary to use psychological tests for identifying individuals that are exposed to the risk of drug abuse. Based on this necessity and with the aim of normalization and preparation of three sub-scales of addiction acknowledgement scale (AAS), addiction potential (APS) and Mac Andrew Alcoholism Scale Revised (MAC.R) from the Minnesota Multi-Phasic Personality Inventory a questionnaire is prepared comprising 90 questions. The plan was conducted among 1000 male high school students of Tehran using the random sample-taking from 4 districts (7,5,3,18) as well as 200 volunteers who seek to give up addiction. The following questions were raised:
1. Does the addiction test for identifying students exposed to addiction risk enjoy reliability?
2. Does the AAS scale aimed at identifying students that suffer from drug abuse enjoy reliability?
and indirect observations. The statistical grouping of the research includes the admitted students and eventually 483 female and 53 male students in seven provinces constituted the statistical samples of the study. It was concluded that the separation plan is facing numerous problems at the current juncture. The relevant procedures and the manner of inter-organizational cooperation are not sufficient and the admission process has to undergo changes. Welfare facilities at the centers are not sufficient and keeping the students at the dorms for a long time will bring about many problems for them. Hence, the existence of a strong observation system as well as social workers are among the requisites for keeping up the implementation of the plan. Moreover, attention must be paid to other substitute methods so that the student would be able to study in his normal living environment and in this way reduce possible risks.
Hamid Taherkhani,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (8-2003)
Revised only twice in the 28 – year period from 1952 to 1980, the American Psychiatric Association`s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has been amended two more times in half as many years, with the publication of DSM – III – R in 1987 and of DSM – IV in 1994. The DSM counterpart in use outside of North America, the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), also underwent modification during this time period. Requirements for the addictive disorders, or as termed here, psychoactive dependence or abuse disorders, were not immune to change for good reason and to a good end. Unlike other psychiatric disorders, for which ICD and DSM criteria often were the same, a schism existed between the DSM and ICD criteria for addictive disorders.ICD criteria were shaped by an influential article that introduced the construct of a dependence syndrome, but this conceptualization was not operationalized in the DSM system until the publication of DSM – IV. With this latest revision, criteria for substance dependence now closely matches those in the ICD – 10 system, establishing for the first time what may be considered a worldwide classification system for addictive disorders .
Volume 1, Issue 3 (8-2003)